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Showing posts from March, 2018


I have always had a thing for watches. Ever since young I loved collecting watches. From fancy pink to matte black, I had all the colours. It was like a trend years ago when you wear colourful watches matching your outfits. You are considered to be the cool kid when you own many watches. As I grow up, i realised that colourful watches aren't as cool as I thought it was and nothing is better than sticking with one watch which can be used for a long time. When I was 18, I bought my very first expensive watch. Black and shiny. The moment I saw it, I knew that it is the one! It was love at first sight I would say. It was so beautiful and I couldnt take my eyes off. Ever since I bought the watch, I stayed loyal to it. No affairs with any other watches. I stopped looking at any other watch as my whole love was already given to the black shiny watch that I own right now. At least, I was loyal  enough to the watch than I was in any relationships. The watch and I had a good relationship.