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Showing posts from April, 2018


Hospitals are like the last place I ever wanted to be at. But, unfortunately due to the migrane I have been having lately, Dr.Estine made me to stay in hospital for a week! Trust me when I say that one week felt like a century. I hated the environment in the hospital which was creepy at nights and more like a mortuary in the mornings. And definitely,I hated the green scrubs the doctors were wearing which looked like my late granma's panties. The food they served for the whole week, let us not talk about it. I felt like I was eating my own vomit. The only thing that kept me sane in that insanely horrible place was the thought of going back home. Every day, I told myself that I will be back home soon. I was looking forward to be back home only for one reason. To see my princess, my 2 year old daughter, Miya. Miya, my lil bundle of joy. When I pregnent, the doctors said that Miya is not going to make it as she had a weak heart. And things got worst when Miya was born a few weeks earl