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Hospitals are like the last place I ever wanted to be at. But, unfortunately due to the migrane I have been having lately, Dr.Estine made me to stay in hospital for a week! Trust me when I say that one week felt like a century. I hated the environment in the hospital which was creepy at nights and more like a mortuary in the mornings. And definitely,I hated the green scrubs the doctors were wearing which looked like my late granma's panties. The food they served for the whole week, let us not talk about it. I felt like I was eating my own vomit. The only thing that kept me sane in that insanely horrible place was the thought of going back home. Every day, I told myself that I will be back home soon. I was looking forward to be back home only for one reason. To see my princess, my 2 year old daughter, Miya.
Miya, my lil bundle of joy. When I pregnent, the doctors said that Miya is not going to make it as she had a weak heart. And things got worst when Miya was born a few weeks earlier than the due. Micheal and I lost hope on her. But, Miya was a strong girl. She made it through. Now, Miya is healtheir than ever. But, it is just me getting sick every now and then. As Dr.Estine said, after the surgery I had recently, I am going to be healthier than ever. And this means I get to spend more time with my princess.
Micheal came to discharge me from hospital. I thanked all the nurses and doctors who took a good care of me during my stay at the hospital as Micheal was signing some paperworks.
We were heading home after lunch from hospital. There was an awkward moment of silence between us. To break the silence , "where's Miya?", I asked. Micheal decided to remain silent. It was nothing new for us. If it wasnt for the sake of Miya, our marriage would have broken a very long time ago. Miya was the only reason why we didnt drift apart.
I assumed that Miya should have slept off or too tired being active the whole day was the reason why Micheal did not bring her along to discharge me.
I patiently waited for the moment to see my girl after a week. As we reached home, I let Micheal to carry my bags and I ran like a child  to open the door and get my girl on my arms. When I opened the door, there were no one in. Silence was the only thing that was all around the place.
I was so mad at Micheal. "He better has a good explanation for this," I thought to myself. Micheal came in carrying all my bags and stuffs. Suddenly I heard someone coming down from the stairs. It was impossible for Miya to get down the stairs all by herself as she was only 2! Out of curiousity, I turned and looked at the stairs. It was her! The woman who broke my marriage. The woman Micheal cheated me on. The anger I had at that moment was indescribable. I gave one of my furious looks to Micheal that demands for an explanation on why is that woman in my house, and where the hell my daughter is!
I could sense the guilt that Micheal had at that moment. It was written all over his face. "Darling,..." He said. Darling??!! "Hushhh, dont call me that. What is this all about, Micheal? You better tell me what you did to my daughter before something really bad happens." I said in a voice that would even scare the devil.
"I know things are lil hard for you now. Let us sit and talk, can we?" Micheal tried to stay calm. "NO!, I aint gonna stay calm until you tell me what happened to Miya and where the hell she is! You get that?" Micheal lost his control of his calmness and shouted  "For heaven sake, Lisa! Can you listen to what I have to say, For once?! Lexie remained silent at the corner of the living room and dare not speak anything as Micheal and I were arguing.
I couldnt stand the pressure. Too many bad possibilities on what would have happened to Miya while I was away killed me a lilttle. And the argument grew more and more between Micheal and I.
"I am leaving you and Miya is going live with me and Lexie. We are getting married". I couldnt believe what Micheal just said. Every single word he said felt like a spear that is pricking through my heart. I couldnt help myself, but to cry like a mad woman. My husband is leaving me for another woman and he is going to take away the one last thing that is more precious than anything in the world. He is taking away my daughter from me!
I begged Micheal to stay. But, he was too ademant to leave me. He was the only one I had to depend on.
My parents died when I was a teenager. Micheal was my high school sweetheart who was also my first love. We were so happy for years. Until one day, Micheal decided to cheat on me. But, after the arrival of Miya, things were starting to get better. And I was so wrong.
Days passed. Micheal sent his sister, Joshepie to take care of me every now and then. I was miserable and all alone without Miya and Micheal by my side.
One evening, I made myself a cup of coffee and walked into Micheal's home office. He hated to have anyone in there. I knew Micheal is not going to come back. So, I wanted to spend some time in his office as that is the only place in the entire house which has no memories of Miya walking, crying or crawling. I sat on his easy chair and rocked myself.
It was a liltle warm so I switched on the fan. I didnt notice that there were some papers on the table and the papers flew all around the room. I was so scared of the thought of getting scolded by Micheal for making a mess in his office. So, I quickly tried to clean up the mess I made. I saw something like a black paper which looked like a x-ray film. Out of curiousity, I had a glance on the papers and the film.
For a moment my heart stopped. I couldnt believe myself from what did I just saw. It was not any papers, but my hospital MRI scans and reports. According to the report, I have an acute brain tumor, and it is incurable.
The migrane that I was having all these while was not just a migrane, but the effect of my brain tumor. I couldnt hold my tears back. I cried like a child. And I had no one to console me and say that I was going to be okay.
Now, I knew the reason why Micheal left me. I told him once that if Im ever dying, He should leave me without letting me know that I am dying. But, that was years ago, when we were kids and immature. I never thought Micheal would take it serious and leave me alone. I wasnt prepare for this at all.
Days went by. The loneliness killed me. My perfect life shattered into millons of pieces. I have no idea what am I suppose to do now. Micheal has always been there for me to decide on what I wanted. And now when I need to decide on what I need to do, I couldnt do it on my own.
One fine day, I left a note for Micheal and Miya and left everything behind. I wasted my entire life being dependent on someone, on my husband and I forgot to live my life. As I am dying now and has no attachments, I am able to spread my wings and fly away from everything.
I packed my stuffs and walked out the house and never turned back. It hurts like anything to not able to see my daughter for the last time. But, I know that Lexie is going to be a wonderful mom and Miya is in good hands. I found a support group far away from the place I lived, in a place that no one could find me. I found people who were abandoned by their family just like me and we had each other's back.
It has been 3 month 6 days and 22 hours since I left home. Now, here am I, bald, sick and waiting for my time to reach the lights on the other side of the world.
In a glimpse of an eye, my entire life changed upside down. Maybe, this is what they call it as destiny.


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