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Hello Darkness, my old friend....

 Disclaimer : I am not a professional nor someone who has an in-depth knowledge of psychological issues. I just wanted to keep a journal of what I am currently experiencing for my own self, as well to help to those experience the same issue. This is also not an act of seeking sympathy or attention from anyone. Merely writing it for myself and for those who are experiencing anxiety like myself too.

It was December, in 2017. The usual yearly vacation with my family season, where on the particular year we decided to go to the Pangkor Island.  It was all fun, till I was swept off by the waves into the middle of the sea and my brothers were trying to save me from drowning in the sea. My eldest brother was holding onto my hands, and something told me to let go off it as I will not survive it. And I decided to let go off the hand. I heard my brothers screaming asking me to reach for their hands. But I felt calm as I drifted off from everything and everyone. I knew I was already drowning and I was at peace listening to the silence of the sea. Just when I closed my eyes, I felt someone’s hands trying to pull me up, and it was my brothers and a guy in a boat who managed to save me. I felt lost for some time. The experience felt so magical, as though I entered another dimension and came back. I got back to the reality as I was approaching the shore, where my mom was standing there with full of fear in her eyes. Just imagine her trauma of witnessing all her three sons trying to save her only daughter from drowning in the sea. I brushed off the memories of the whole Pangkor island vacation, till one day I randomly told my friend about the incident. He asked if I was depressed or was going through a tough time. He also said that I might need to refer a trained psychologist as it is abnormal to feel such way about a horrifying experience. I brushed the topic off as I thought it was nothing serious and he was just trying to pull my legs.

As time goes on, I realised my mind is always in a chaos. The voices in the head are too loud, but it was only me that could hear it. Random thoughts just pop up in the mind at random times and gets me anxious about everything. That is when I went on a mission to seek for the silence that I experience that one day while I was drowning in the sea. Trust me, when I say I became a whole new person in the search of silence. I got to know many people. I did certain things which were against my believes and life principles. In the journey of seeking for the silence I almost lost my real self. Till one day, I realised that indeed there is something that I need to fix. After doing my own research and studies with the symptoms that I had, I found out that what I might be experiencing can be called as “Anxiety”. It is very common among people these days as the life style of the current generation has been more challenging compared to the people in those days.

Anxiety has drained me physically and mentally whenever I had to go through it. To be honest, I am absolutely normal, but in certain days, without no signs, a random hurtful though just pop up in the mind. And the next thing I know is I will be so lost where I can’t silence the thoughts anymore. The thoughts get louder and louder and at some point, all I could do is to cry out loud accept my defeat to the loudness in my head. Yet, the thoughts will never show any mercy. I could barely concentrate in anything I do. Obviously, I will lose my appetite and sleep during these times. Sleep seems to be very luxurious because of the loud thoughts would never let me to sleep in peace. As a way to get at least a decent one-hour sleep, I’d play some soothing music and try to calm myself. Waking up every morning feeling lethargic and with dark circles around my eyes becomes a daily routine. Eating feels like a punishment and having to eat without throwing up is also the biggest task of the day.

Physically, while I’m experiencing anxiety, my hands and legs feel numb. There are times I can’t even walk. Even there is no fan or even air ventilation, I’d still feel as cold as ice and will be shivering till I could feel the pain in my nerves. At times, I will start sweating like nobody’s business where my heartbeat will be over the roof as well.  I feel nauseated all the time and the migraine that comes while I am having my anxiety attacks is unbearable. My stomach feels upset almost all the time although the only meal that I had was a cup of coffee since I woke up. I have to rush to the washroom every one hour once at least just to throw up or due to my stomach being upset. The major sign of anxiety that my body shows in the beginning stage is, my breakouts all over my face. Naturally, I have an acne-prone skin, but it gets worse during the times I have my anxiety attacks. My shoulders feel so heavy as if I am holding the whole world’s weight on my back and the frustration due to being unable to do anything about it gets me so irritated with everything around me.  

During these times, I will wrap up myself in my comforter and stay in dark place all day long to calm myself down. Trust me when I say I’d still feel so cold and I could barely move my body due to numbness though I’m wrapped like burrito. I try to cut off any human contacts as it increases my anxiety. If I am forced to be in a social situation, I will start fidgeting or walking in circles or in a straight line, back and forth or just keep moving around.

The worse part of all is to answer the “why(s)” of my loved ones when they ask me on why am I looking so sick or dull and so on. I tend to push them away just to avoid to answer their ‘why(s)’. There are times I will feel bad for being rude to my loved ones, yet still it makes it easier for me to avoid any questions from them than talking about what is actually happening to me.  Honestly, till this very moment I have no idea on what am I actually feeling. I have no idea how to put my thoughts into words because there are so much going on in the mind right now. I let the voices in the head to speak and I remain to be silent as I am mentally and physically too tired to even do anything. And till date, I have no idea why do I get these anxiety attacks out of blue moon every now and then.

These were the early signs of my anxiety, which I chose to ignore ever since I started experiencing it. I consoled myself by saying it is all nothing. Even now, when things seem to be out of my control, I still believe that all these are nothing. I can still go through all of it and I know I definitely will. There are times where I do feel like giving up just like how I did while I was drowning just to be at peace. But I know that I am not the only one who has been experiencing all these sorts of emotions. Anxiety is something very common these days. Yet, I realised that fighting these battles are very personal, where only you know how to get through it. The anxiety attack I have been having recently takes up a whole lot of energy and strength out of me and it is also during one of my crucial times, where I’m working on my assignments and also away from the people understands on how to keep me calm in these situations. It is tough, but I know that one day, when I read back this piece of writing, I somehow survived this wave of chaotic emotional thunderstorm and I’d be so proud of myself for fighting the cruel thoughts which pinned me down.


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