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Unplanned Vacation

It was a dream come true moment, for both Marcus and me. We have been planning the trip for about a year. After so many obstacles finally, we were on the plane. The excitement was real! As the plane took off, I held Marcus’s hand close and tight towards me. I wanted to treasure every single moment of the vacation. I never thought I would actually go for a trip to the most favorite place of mine on earth with my most favorite person. It was a 4 hours journey. 

Marcus and I sat beside each other, enjoying each other’s company in silence. In a glace, I studied the details in Marcus’s face. It was perfect, I thought to myself. The sharp jawlines and stubble and the lips.. woahhh it just makes me go crazy on him every single time. I can go on and on for hours talking about how perfect he is! I am just too lucky to have Marcus as my soul mate. He is the perfect boyfriend that makes my wildest dream come true.

Right before we land, I got glimpse of an eagle eye view of the place that I dreamed of going for years. Moerano. The land of paradise I would say! It was indeed a tiring journey. So, as soon as we landed, we checked in to the hotel that Marcus booked beforehand. From hotel till the must visit places, Marcus did his research and did all the planning. That is one the qualities that I love the most in him. I can always, ALWAYS depend on him, no matter what. And he loves it when I am being the clingy girlfriend that being dependent on her cute boyfriend.

Marcus had a good taste in everything. The hotel room was not an exceptional case anyway. It was perfect! The room had an in-door pool, where I could image Marcus and me having a romantic swim in late nights, gazing the stars and me staring at his eyes and falling in love all over again. Haihhhh, what a fairy tale life I am living in. As we were both extremely tired due to the jet lag, we planned to crash on the bed for a couple of hours before exploring the island.

The smell of freshly brewed coffee in the air woke me up from deep slumber. Walked to the living room and saw Marcus, shirtless making us some coffee for tea time. He must have been hungry, I thought. “You’re up baby?” Marcus asked as his eyes lit up looking at me. “Yeah, I can’t resist some things, you know, like the smell of the coffee” I said as I pulled him over towards me and kissed him. We had our coffee while talking about random things for hours at the balcony. We planned to stay in for the night as Marcus had a surprise for me the next day and he wanted me to take good rest before a tiring day.
Good Morning, love. Rise and shine baby. We’ve got an adventurous day today”, Marcus woke me up with a good morning kiss. What could make my day better than waking up beside the person that means the world to me. I had a quick shower and got ready for my adventure with Marcus. Before leaving the hotel, Marcus asked me to pack some essentials for two days. ‘Probably, putting up a night or two somewhere, maybe?’ I thought. We had our breakfast at a cafĂ© near the hotel we stayed. I have got to agree that the served the best waffles that I have ever had in a long time. I kept annoying Marcus and tried to get hints from him on where is he bringing me to. But, it didn’t seem to work, not even a bit. ”I just hate surprises!” I thought to myself.

Marcus and I had a quick walk near the shore and we were waiting for our boat the jetty. I have got to admit that the place was so beautiful. The sands are as white as the smiles of the locals and the weather is a dream I would say. The deep rays of the sun wait to engulf us in their arms. I saw a middle aged man approaching the jetty with his boat. He was masculine and had a tanned skin. “Mr&Mrs Loise?” he shouted from the boat looking at us. It made me to blush a little. “Mr&Mrs Loise ? pffttt.. I need to get used to it I guess because I really need to accept the fact that sooner or later Marcus is going to propose me.
“Yeah bro. it’s us. And you must be Ted, I suppose” Marcus replied the guy as he approached him for a hand shake. “Hop in bro, we’ve gotta rush before the tide increases”, said the guy. The boat ride took about half an hour from the jetty. My stomach agitated and grumbled like an off-balance washing machine. I felt nauseous and prepared to throw up any time after the landing at the shore. As the boat stopped at the jetty of the island, I threw up. It was pretty embarrassing. This is not how I wanted to be welcomed to a new place that looked like the paradise of gods’ of its own! Marcus held my hair back and kept whispering ‘Its okay, baby’ as I was throwing up. Ted smiled and gave us some privacy to settle down after the bumpy ride in his boat. “I’ll wait over there bro, meet me at the shop near the tree once you guys are okay” he said and left us. We walked towards the shop that resembles the shape of a coconut near the huge banyan tree once I felt better. Ted was waiting for us with our lunch prepared. The smell of steak was so good and I realised how hungry am I after throwing up whatever I had for breakfast.

Help yourself Mr.&Mrs Loise, we will be leaving to the chalet soon. You can take some rest later on.” Ted invited us for the lunch. The food was pretty good and I had to admit that the steak was cooked perfectly. While having our lunch, we were having a small chat with Ted, who is going to be our guide for the next two days. I was excited about the stay and also about the time I get to spend with Marcus all alone in the island with strangers. According to Ted, the chalet that we were supposed to stay was all booked, so he had to book a chalet which is located isolated in the island and had to travel a minutes by boat. He said it would give us some privacy and he could send us to the other side whenever we want to. So, we got us some snacks and so before heading to the chalet. The chalet was indeed isolated form the island. And there were no people other than us. Ted’s wife, Nina welcomed us warmly. Nina was a sweet middle aged woman with curly hairs and I admired her blue eyes so much. She was so pretty.
Ted promised to pick us up late in the evening that day for dinner and a few places which are meant to be visited in the late evenings. I was super excited about it. Marcus and I took a short nap as we were both tired. As promised, Ted came about 6pm to pick us up from the chalet. We had our dinner at a seafood restaurant.  It was a pleasant dinner. Ted brought us to see the fireflies, which is also one of the tourist attraction spots in the island. It was truly magnificent and I felt like living in a fairy tale story with all the fairy dusts around me. I enjoyed every bit of it as I leaned on Marcus. I wanted the night to never end as it was so perfect.

We were lucky enough to have Ted as our tour guide. He and his wife Nina were both wonderful souls who took a good care of us. The 2 days one night stay was absolutely amazing. On the day we were about to leave, Ted’s boat broke down. “I am so sorry man; I guess you both have to wait for a couple of hours till I get my boat fixed”. Ted told us. “Well maybe we will just have a walk around till you are done bro”, Marcus replied as we started walking along the beach holding each other’s hand tightly. It was indeed a good thing for the boat to break down as I can spend more alone time with Marcus. We walked and talked about everything without realising we have come quite further away from the chalet. Being a careless person, I did not notice there was a sharp object on the ground while walking.  A sharp prick on my toe and I screamed in pain. Without a second thought, Marcus carried me in his arms and made me seat in a place. He examined the wound on my toe. “hmmmm.. pretty bad, I guess”. Just wait here could you? I will get some first aids for you”, said Marcus as he was leaving me to get the first aid kit. I was terrified to stay alone in the place of nowhere. “Please, don’t leave me alone. I am scared baby”, I wasn’t sure if it was the pain of the feeling of being terrified; I started crying like a child. Marcus firmly said “You stay here girl, I will be back in 10.” I couldn’t say anything as I knew Marcus wants me to stay where I am and he meant it.

I waited…waited.. and waited for about nearly half an hour at the same place Marcus left me, weeping like a baby and hoping for him to back anytime soon. As I was worried and the pain was unbearable, I decided to get back to the chalet and get some help from Ted and Nina. “Maybe Marcus had lost his way back to me. Maybe I should have followed him. “Maybe he is trying to prank me?” all sorts of possibilities on what would have happened to Marcus were playing in my mind. I looked for stick and used it as support and walked my way back to the chalet. Right before I was about to reach my chalet, I heard Marcus’s voice at distance. And I knew he was in trouble from the way he sounded. Without a second thought, I ran in the direction where his voice came from. “ MARCUSSSS! MARCUSSS!”, I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran as though it was the end of the world. I knew Marcus’s voice came of the hut that was behind the chalet.

BANGGGG!!!! And everything turned dark. The last thing I remembered before someone attacked me from the back was Marcus’s voice. I closed my eyes, fighting off nausea. Trying, even through the pain, to remember how I could have arrived at this strange, dark place where nothing seemed familiar. ‘Marcussss…!, please come back!’ I cried hoping that Marcus will be there anytime soon and saves me from whoever that is trying to harm me.
‘He aint coming you lil bitch!” a voice from the back of my ears said. The voice was familiar. “TED!”. It was Ted’s voice!. “Ted , I will give you all the money we have. Please, Please let us go. And I will not say a word to anyone. "Pleaseeee.. Leave me!” I wept, cried and begged. I have no idea what made Ted furious. He was a nice man!  “Money ? huh..who needs your money! You know how difficult was it to me to not be tempted to eat your boyfriend’s and your fresh tendered flesh?”
Eat ???? ‘ I was terrified hearing what Ted have just said. “Please leave me, ted . please!”. Ted unfolded my blinds and the next thing I saw was something that I wish not see. It was my Marcus, lying motionlessly on the floor in a pool of blood. “NOOOO! Marcussss!!” I screamed and cried at the top of my lungs. “ Owh, you wanna see how your perfect boyfriend tastes like?” Ted said as he took a huge parang and started chopping Marcus into pieces. Blood was splashing all over the place. I was terrified, traumatized to see all the blood and flesh. I just wanted to die at the very moment! Ted ripped off Marcus skin and started to eat his flesh. I could see how much he enjoyed doing it. He looked like the devil himself at the moment with all the blood spilling over from his mouth. That was what hell must have looked like if it was real thing. I cried.. shouted and screamed till I had no energy left in my body. The last thing I knew was the unfamiliar voice that came out of nowhere and I fainted again.

(Years passed….)

The memories of the days in the island are still fresh in my mind. That one vacation that took away all my happiness. I am still traumatized of what had happened to me and the love of my life. No matter how long it takes, I will not be able to erase the memories from my mind. I wish I was killed on that day by Ted rather than being alive after witnessing the horrific moments. I wish it was me who was on the floor in the pool of blood the other instead of Marcus.


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