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One Night Stand.

4th December 2020, 8.33p.m

My body was trembling and my heartbeat was over the roof, thinking what have I got myself into. I have no idea what would happen next. It was thrilling, yet the pressure of not knowing what is up next made me to have an adrenaline rush. But, all I could think of is, it is going to be a worthwhile experience. As I was walking towards the car, I literally could feel my heart out of its place. Being someone who is pretty much self-conscious, “what would he think about my funny hairstyle” was the only question that was running in my mind.

The moment of truth. I went into the car. And the first thing I heard was “I like your hairstyle, its cute though”. I was relieved and started to let loose a little after hearing those words from him. There were some moments of silence. Millions of things were running in my mind. Never have I ever thought I would go out with an absolute stranger whom I have no idea about within less than 24 hours of getting to know through a dating app. Yes, you read it right! I agreed to go on a date with an absolute stranger, within 24 hours of talking. And all that, just for a dare, that would change my life forever.


21 hours ago, 4th December 2020, 12.30a.m. 

Being someone who wants to have the taste of everything in life, and the curiosity of knowing the world more, made me to use the dating app. Yes, you are right. That’s the one. It has been almost a few hours I’ve been swiping left and right (lefts mostly) trying to find someone to have a meaningful conversation about whatever my mind has been exploring lately till my fingers got numb out of it. But, all I was talking was about my lame day in between the four walls and what I had for my lunch or dinner. Just when I was about exit the app thinking “is it all the app is about”, I got a match! A pretty unexpected one for sure.

Unlike the other matches, he sent me a text asking what is the most adventurous thing that I have ever done in my life. Couldn’t think of one, because of the amount of memories I have created were countless, I started listing out ever single one of them. From interests to pet peeves, the conversation was going on and on and all I could remember is we had our conversation started off so smoothly and we have lost the track of time, or at least I did.  

As we were talking about how much we’d love o play truth or dare with our friends, I said that I take my dare pretty serious and that’s where all begun. While casually keeping the conversation going, he asked me if I am ready for a dare and answer a truth, knowing that I would take the dares serious. Just when I was  thinking “oh there he goes, just like the other ones”, he surprised me with the most unexpected question that any guy has ever asked for a truth. He asked if I like Harry Potter, or ever watched the series before. Being a potter head since I was 15, that question made me to get so excited! So, as per expected, the next few hours of conversation was all about how much we both grew up watching and falling in love with the Harry Potter series. Though the conversation was interesting enough, I couldn’t stop thinking about the dare he mentioned earlier. Out of curiosity, I made the move of asking him about the dare, thinking that he has already forgotten it. And again, he surprised me with a dare that would never agree to in a million times. He asked me if I would go out with him the night that we were talking, as a dare. I have no idea what was I thinking and right away said yes to the dare. Yes, I said yes! I went to bed right after agreeing to the most adventurous dares that I have ever taken in my life without thinking about it at all.

The next morning everything seem to be normal and I didn’t even get a text from him. So, I thought maybe he was just joking about the whole asking out thing. But, again, he gave me a surprise when I texted him that evening just to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating the scenario of being called out by a stranger that night. He affirmed the outing and made sure that I am comfortable of going out with him that night.


4th December 2020, 9.10 p.m.

It has been almost half an hour since we met in person and I have no idea how did I get so comfortable being around him. Remembering that I love to star-gaze, he brought me to place which will always be close to my heart, which is the seaside and got me some booze. It was so beautiful that I couldn’t stop thanking him for showing me such a beautiful place. Though I was a little hesitant to drink in the beginning, he assured me that he would take care of me and promised to send me back in one piece back home just like how I came. Though I was feeling a little tipsy, I could remember the way he looked at me at times and how beautiful his brown eyes were. I was charmed by his beautiful eyes and cheeky smile he had all the while and trusted him with all my heart, which I rarely do. We talked for hours and hours and all I wished is for the night to not end as I wanted to know more about this weirdly charming guy whom I happen to know by chance.

Then came the time, that we had part our ways. My heart felt heavy as I knew I only have a few more minutes to spend with him. As he stopped the car near my residence, his last few words made me stunned. “I just went through a bad break up and thank you so much for taking up the dare and spending some time with me today. I hope you’d not catch feelings towards me and I wish the best in your life”. My heart stopped for a moment. Millions of things were running in my mind. Just before I could process if I liked him or so, I brushed off all the butterflies in tummy before I get anymore interested on him, which I already was. I gave him a good bye hug and we parted our ways. That night, I called up my best friend and told her “ If I ever get to meet someone like him in future, I’d definitely marry that person without even a second thought” which gave both my friend and I a surprise. Those words coming out of someone (referring to me of course) who has given up on marriages or love, was definitely an odd surprise for both of us.

So, this is it? Right. You meet someone out of nowhere, you get to know them, you like them and finally just to know that they are emotionally unavailable. Though I was a little disappointed of what he has just said, I was glad that he didn’t lie about his intentions to me. In the world full of guys that has complimented my outer appearance, he was the only guy that looked into my eyes and told me I have a beautiful pair of eyes. The way he made me feel when I was around him, was definitely something that I would tell my future partner about. All the good memories we had together will be cherished in the years to come, though it lasted only for 30 hours or so. Probably the shortest and the fastest that I have ever liked someone. I spent a whole night with him and never even for a single moment he would want to misbehave and kept his words of keeping me safe. That is when I realized, anyone can touch your body, it takes someone special to touch your soul. And that night, he did touch my soul by treating me in the way I should be treated. I’d say that a million one-night stands are worth the experience of pure joy of knowing someone’s soul than just their physical body.

To you , if you are ever reading this, thank you for showing me the light at the end of the tunnel and giving me the hope that I would someday find someone that perfectly fits the way I imagined my future partner to be. Thank you for showing me that true love does exist through your stories. I will never forget how you made me feel that one night.


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