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Showing posts from December, 2018

Life is, But a Walking Shadow.

  “Friends?” he asked. Without having a second thought, “Yeah, Just friends, Okay?’ she said. She felt so angry at herself. For letting someone to ruin her happiness. For letting her ego win by saying ‘Just friends’ when she knew it was nothing near to a friendship. She wanted to rip him apart for lying to her. Yet, all she could do was, silence her thoughts. The last thing she ever wanted to do was to pour her heart out to the guy who made her to look like an idiot. She held her tears back and stayed calm as he was talking at the other end of the phone. She had no strength to fight him or to burst out. She was emotionally drained. She wasn’t prepared for a heartbreak, not when she was not over the first one. But, she was determined to not show her weakness in any way to him. As it ended sooner than she thought, she hung up the call and drove her car to somewhere faraway. To a place where no one could find her. To a place where she can finally be herself. The vulnerable, weak and emo