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Showing posts from February, 2019


The only thing that was on my mind as I woke up was “Oh god, I am super late”. As an idol for so many youths of my nation, I can never be late for any of the events. So, I took my key and drove, feeling myself like a so called Paul Walker.   Millions of things were going in mind. I have not done anything lately. All I do all day long is to chit chat with my friends in some posh cafĂ© around the town and talk about how to make the nation a better place for the people. But, I have not done anything literally to make it happen. We just talk, talk, and talk until we get tired of what we have talked about and get back home when it is just about the time to wake up. “BOOOOMMMM”. That sound got me back to the reality. For a second I was roaming in my thoughts and now here I am standing and shouting using all the foul language that I have learnt from my friends to a poor old lady.   I was unaware of the car that was making a turn on the opposite road and speeded up. But, who am I kidd

Unplanned Vacation

It was a dream come true moment, for both Marcus and me. We have been planning the trip for about a year. After so many obstacles finally, we were on the plane. The excitement was real! As the plane took off, I held Marcus’s hand close and tight towards me. I wanted to treasure every single moment of the vacation. I never thought I would actually go for a trip to the most favorite place of mine on earth with my most favorite person. It was a 4 hours journey.  Marcus and I sat beside each other, enjoying each other’s company in silence. In a glace, I studied the details in Marcus’s face. It was perfect, I thought to myself. The sharp jawlines and stubble and the lips.. woahhh it just makes me go crazy on him every single time. I can go on and on for hours talking about how perfect he is! I am just too lucky to have Marcus as my soul mate. He is the perfect boyfriend that makes my wildest dream come true. Right before we land, I got glimpse of an eagle eye view of the place tha