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Showing posts from October, 2019


CHAPTER1:  The First Meet...  I was dwelled in my own world, as usual. Ignoring the existence of the real world that I exist in and pretty much stayed focused what would happen next to Russ, to Vivian and their child after the divorce. I was turning the pages with intense emotion while sipping my coffee. Though I could feel the steamy, aromatic ashy taste of Cocoa Cappuccino getting down the throat, I couldn’t enjoy the coffee as much as I would usually do as the novel got me hooked up with it. I have no idea how long I have been sitting at the corner of the coffee shop and immersed in the novel. But, I am pretty sure I would have gotten at least a few stares from the people around me with the facial expressions that I was giving the entire time. But, I was not bothered to care enough on what the people around think about what I do. It’s a free country after all. As I continued to flip the pages a sudden feel of discomfort occurred. I felt like I was being watched or being inte