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Showing posts from December, 2017

happy new year ( a review of 2017)

Finally, the year is going to come to an end. As usual, this year also has been a roller coaster ride for me. Beginning of the year, I had so much of love, friends and energy. I was much excited and looking forward for whatever was awaiting me in 2017. I still remember the night before new year, how happy was I. I am not the kind of person who gets excited for New Years, Birthdays or any occasions. It is always just like another day for me where I do not take much initiative to do anything on these special occasions. But, to my surprise, I woke up earlier than I usually do. I did everything that makes me happy on that day. All i had in my mind was, "this year is gonna be the best year of my entire life". It all went well till the middle of the year. Everything fell right at its places until June. Just when I thought "I'm the happiest and luckiest human being because I have the perfect Life", God had some other plans for me. Every single effort of mine was a wast

homo.. hetero.. or bi sexual.. ???

One of the most interesting topic that we usually discuss among my group of friends is, THE LGBT RIGHTS. tadaaaa.. Yeah.. It always has been our favorite topic to be discussed, because we all have our own point of views which doens't sync with one another. Most of my friends say that being homosexual is a sin and bisexuality is the mother of all the sins on earth ( sounds funny right?) which I do not agree with, not even a single percent. I don't blame them for having such a thought because, We(Asians) were brought up that way. When I question them on why we shouldn't support LGBT rights, their only answer would be ITS AGAINST THE NATURE! Who will be producing kids if everyone become homosexual.We should set a good example for the upcoming generation and we are responsible of teaching them that LGBT is something wrong! Trust me. The people who uttered these words are ones who said they will not be having kids in future because they consider having kids are troublesome, and