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Showing posts from January, 2018

The Demon Within Us.

Have you ever gone through depression in your life ? If you are about to say Yes, congratulations, you're a human being who is living your life right. And if you are about to say No, I have never experienced depression before, then you are probably lying to yourself that you are living a perfect life. If you are thinking whether have you ever been through depression, it is okay to feel that way because many of us do not know what depression is even when we've been through it. We assume that depression is just another psychological disorder where only mentally ill people will get to experience it. We can't blame anyone to have such a mindset. The society that we grew up in have always been grooming our minds with such thoughts ever since before the word depression became common. So, let me tell you how does depression feels like based on my experience. Depression has been my companion for a several chapters in my life. As everyone else I never knew I was going through depre

The unsaid words

"Can you say something so that I can know what you are thinking?". I could sense the frustration in his voice as I was blankly staring at the barren road infront of me. "Atleast tell me are you okay with the decision?". I remained silent. Okay. I said. That was the only word came out of my mouth. "Okay, let us pretend like nothing happened and remain as friends. I'll drop you off now." I said nothing. I had no idea if I should talk or remain silent. But, my brain was screaming and crying and begging him to not end this. As always, ego won at that moment. I never wanted to reveal to him on how important is he to me and how much I love him. As he stopped the car near my residence, all I could do was kiss him my last goodbye and gave him a long warm hug. He left. I was looking at his car as it was drifting away from me as he did. They say the  the best place for you to make decisions that may change your life is when you are showering. After ending